Melissa Dassrath


“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha

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Portrait of Melissa Dassrath

Melissa Dassrath was raised in the USA, but now resides in Trinidad and Tobago. She has a B.Sc. in International Relations and was a Political reporter with 17 years of experience in print, radio, and television. She decided to make a career switch and focus on social initiatives. As the Chief Happiness Officer of ReThink, a personal and organizational transformation centre, she is a change agent that inspires others to find happiness and help make their community, their country, and our world a better place.


  • What inspired you to become an Ambassador for Project Happiness?
  • The United Nations recognizes the importance of happiness in determining the quality of life, which is why the UN Sustainable Development Goals focus on factors that alleviate human suffering and improve overall well-being and happiness. So while happiness is considered a universal right, happiness is not universal as evident by the cries of despair around the world. I love the work Project Happiness has been doing to teach social and emotional resilience because I do believe happiness is a science that can be taught. Learning how to be happy ensures that people don’t just survive, but they thrive.
  • What is your favorite part about being an Ambassador?
  • I love connecting with people and witnessing how they transform when they unlock deeper levels of inner-knowing. I have seen a sparkle return to eyes of the participants in Project Happiness workshops and I have seen a burst of fresh enthusiasm to start living life again, empowered with the awareness that they can manage their emotions and change the outcome of their experiences.
  • What are some of your passions outside of Project Happiness?
  • Reading, writing, meditation, yoga, belly dance, animals, and the beach.
  • What is one way that you cultivate happiness in your own life?
  • I practice mindfulness. I try to hold on to a sense of childlike wonderment in my daily life, so I never lose the awe of experiencing everyday joys. I believe in balance, so I prioritize time for my passions and practice self-care. I keep a gratitude journal so I can always shift my focus back to the positive aspects of my life. Showing compassion and kindness to others triggers continuous waves of happiness and energizes me.

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